Fyrir þig sem ert námsmaður

“Þú færð mikið af einstakri ábyrgð, tækifæri til að vaxa, skemmta þér og eignast nýja vini á leiðinni.”
Ert þú til í að byrja feril þinn hjá H&M? Við bjóðum upp á mismunandi tækifæri til þjálfunar til að hjálpa þér að læra og þróa færni þína, bæði í gegnum námið og eftir að þú útskrifast.
Develop your career, yourself and even the fashion industry. On our Trainee Program, you will spend one year gaining insight into our global family of brands. During the year, you’ll rotate between different functions to develop new skills. It’s your chance to speed up your learning journey and gain those key competencies that you will use throughout your career.
There are specialised tracks on the program and you can apply to the track of your choice. You will start the program based in Stockholm, and we will help you get settled. You will get to work with current projects, collaborate with and learn from colleagues who are experts in their fields, and can travel with international placements. On this program you will learn things you’ll always remember & meet people you’ll never forget.
Are you ready to get started?